Press conference on the first round of inspection work of the municipal party Committee in 2017

Duan Dong:Dear journalists and friends,Good morning everyone! Welcome to the press conference of the first round of inspection work of the 2017 Municipal Committee.

The inspection work is an important measure for the central and provincial party committees to strictly manage the party and get through the "last mile" of inner-party supervision. On January 3rd this year, our city started the first round inspection of the new municipal committee. The Municipal Party Committee set up two inspection teams to conduct inspections on four units, namely, the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Planning Commission, the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Party Committee of the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau and the Party Committee of the Municipal Urban Construction Holding Group. The first round of inspection has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life and achieved good results. Today, we are here to hold a press conference to introduce the inspection to our friends in the news media and to all walks of life through you.

First of all, I would like to introduce the leaders who attended the conference: Lei Shengbao, director of the municipal inspection office, leader of the first inspection team, Zhang Tianshi, deputy head of the first inspection team and leader of the special inspection team, Liu Jiaxin, deputy head of the first inspection team and leader of the special inspection team, Bao Kailin, deputy head of the second inspection team and leader of the special inspection team, Dong Dehua, deputy head and leader of the second inspection team. I’m Duan Dong, director of the research office of the municipal party committee. I presided over today’s press conference.

The media attending today’s press conference include Xinhua Daily, Provincial Radio and Television Station, Yangzi Evening News, Modern Express, Xinhua Net, China Jiangsu Net correspondent station, Lianyungang Daily, Cangwu Evening News, Lianyungang Press, Lianyungang Radio and Television Station All Media Center and other news media reporters and friends. Welcome everyone.

Today’s press conference has two agendas: first, Lei Shengbao, director of the Municipal Inspection Office and leader of the first inspection team of the Municipal Party Committee, introduced the first round of inspections of the Municipal Party Committee; The second is to answer questions from journalists and friends.

Now, first of all, please let Lei Shengbao, director of the Municipal Inspection Office and leader of the first inspection team of the Municipal Party Committee, introduce the first round of inspection of the Municipal Party Committee. Welcome.

Lei Shengbao:Good morning, comrades, journalists and friends!Welcome to today’s press conference. Here, I would like to tell you about the first round of inspection work of the Municipal Party Committee in 2017.

On January 3rd this year, the Municipal Party Committee started the first round of inspection work, and set up two inspection teams to carry out regular inspections for 30 working days in four units, including the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Planning Commission, the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Party Committee of the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau and the Party Committee of the Municipal Urban Construction Holding Group. During the period, the inspection team of the municipal party committee earnestly implemented the requirements of the central and provincial municipal committees, focused on the party’s leadership, party building and strict management of the party in an all-round way, and deepened the political inspection. A total of 147 outstanding problems were found, 68 clues were found, 11 problems were set up for reform, and 2 special reports were formed, giving full play to the deterrent effect of the inspection "sword".

This round of inspection is the first round of inspection of the new Municipal Party Committee. The Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to it, carefully plans it, directs it from the front, treats it from the height of commanding the overall situation, plans it from the height of the development of social undertakings, and promotes it from the height of comprehensively administering the Party strictly. The inspection team of the Municipal Party Committee unswervingly deepens the political inspection, takes the "four consciousnesses" as the political benchmark, takes the implementation of the "five in one" overall layout and the "four comprehensive" strategic layout as the basic political requirements, takes resolutely safeguarding the party’s centralized and unified leadership as the fundamental political task, takes the problem as the guide, and strictly carries out inspection and supervision, which has three specific characteristics:

1. Strong organization and leadership. The municipal party Committee set up a leading group for inspection work, and the main leaders of the municipal party Committee personally served as the team leader. And formulate a five-year plan and an annual plan for inspection, and make it clear that the inspection covers the "road map" and "timetable". The inspection office of the municipal party Committee strengthened communication and coordination, and made every effort to ensure the orderly development of inspection work. The party organization of the inspected unit actively cooperated and fully supported the work of the inspection team. The enthusiastic participation of all walks of life and the broad masses of the people provided a strong guarantee for the first round of inspections to achieve phased results.

2. Highlight political inspections. In promoting the inspection work, we should persist in the problem orientation throughout the inspection process, put political discipline and rules in the first place, unswervingly deepen political inspection, pay close attention to the "three major problems" of the weakening of party leadership, the lack of party building, and the inability to strictly manage the party in an all-round way, firmly grasp the "three key points" of key people, key matters and key issues, closely follow the "six major disciplines" and earnestly strengthen supervision. Two inspection teams of the Municipal Party Committee went deep into four inspected units, conducted 845 individual conversations, accepted 155 letters and visits from the masses, visited 57 relevant units, and read more than 13,100 relevant documents and materials, which fully reflected the requirements of political inspection.

3. Forging an excellent team. Correct yourself first, inspection cadres shoulder the credit and entrustment of the municipal party Committee, and their own construction must have higher standards and stricter requirements. The inspection agency of the Municipal Party Committee issued an internal management system to promote inspection cadres to carry out their work according to discipline and rules, adhere to the red line of discipline, and consciously accept supervision. In the first round of inspection by the Municipal Party Committee, 30 cadres with high political quality and strong professional quality were selected from the discipline inspection and auditing departments of the whole city and enriched to the inspection team. The patrol time is tight, the task is heavy and the pressure is great. The patrol cadres work overtime and work hard, which has made due contributions to the smooth completion of the patrol task.

Political inspection is a "political physical examination" for Party organizations and leading cadres in party member. Whether the leadership of the inspected party organization is strong and whether the political life within the party is serious and standardized has been tested in this round of inspections. Judging from the problems existing in the four inspected units, they can be summarized into four common problems, mainly as follows:

1. The leadership of the Party is weakened, and the "four consciousnesses" are not strong enough. The four inspected units failed to implement the party’s line, principles and policies and the decision-making arrangements of the central, provincial and municipal committees, and the leading bodies did not understand the party’s line, principles and policies in the new period. The people-centered development thought of the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Planning Commission is not fully reflected; The Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee is not comprehensive enough to implement the major educational policies and decision-making arrangements; The main responsibility consciousness of the party group of the Municipal Water Resources Bureau is not strong enough; The leading role of the Party Committee of Urban Construction Holding Group is not strong enough.

2. Party building is lacking and grass-roots organizations are not standardized. The four inspected units generally have the problem of "paying more attention to business than party building", the construction of leading bodies and cadres is weak, and the construction of grassroots organizations is not standardized. The implementation of democratic centralism in some subordinate units of the Municipal Health Planning Commission is not in place, and there is a phenomenon of "one word" and "home to the world"; There is a phenomenon of going through the motions in the "three sessions and one lesson" of the grass-roots party organizations of the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee; Some grass-roots party organizations of the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau have not changed their posts or run overtime for a long time; Urban Construction Holding Group failed to manage the mobile party member.

3. The Party is not strictly managed in an all-round way, and the implementation of "two responsibility" is not in place. The party organizations of the four inspected units have not fully implemented the main responsibility of strictly administering the party, and the discipline inspection and supervision work has not focused on the main responsibility, and the role of "probe" has not been effectively played. All four units have mental problems in violation of the eight central regulations. The office space of some team members of the Municipal Health Planning Commission and its subordinate units has seriously exceeded the standard; The Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has the problem of illegal payment of subsidies; Some "three public" funds in the field of engineering construction of Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau have exceeded the standard; The implementation of the "three majors and one big" system of the Urban Construction Holding Group is not in place.

4. The construction of party style and clean government is weak, and the prevention and control of integrity risks is not strict. Judging from the current round of inspections, the subordinate institutions of the four inspected units have concentrated human, financial and material power, and there is a great risk of integrity, some of which are chaotic in management and some are lacking in supervision. Lack of supervision over drug purchase and consumables purchase in health planning system; Some schools use school selection fees, borrowing fees and training income to set up private coffers; Some water conservancy construction projects have huge investment and inadequate supervision; The irregularities in bidding and subcontracting of the Urban Construction Holding Group are prominent and so on.

The existence of these problems shows that there is still a big gap in the comprehensive and strict management of the party. We must further play the role of inspection and supervision as a "sharp soldier" and a "sword" to promote the management of the party from "loose and soft" to "strict and hard". In the next step, we will focus on the implementation of the first round of inspection and rectification. Previously, the four inspected units were respectively given feedback on the inspection situation, requiring the party organizations of the inspected units to take the main responsibility for the implementation of the rectification. All the problems found by the inspection team are solved by the team collectively, and the personal problems are to be blamed on people, so they should be corrected immediately. The rectification work must meet people, see things and see the treatment results, so that everything is echoed and everything is settled, so as to achieve tangible results in the rectification work. Each inspected unit must report the rectification and implementation report to the municipal inspection work leading group within two months from the date of feedback.

The above is the overall situation of the first round of inspection work. In order to enhance the effectiveness of inspection, the second round of inspection by the Municipal Party Committee will be launched in the near future. It will mainly explore and carry out "mobile" inspection, concentrate superior forces, focus on key issues, simplify procedures, go straight to the subject, do not engage in democratic evaluation, and do not concentrate on organizing individual conversations. It will be problem-oriented, and wherever there is a problem, it will be inspected by whoever has it, so as to achieve a precise breakthrough, improve the pertinence and effectiveness of inspection, and let the inspected objects feel that inspection supervision is at hand.

I will briefly introduce these, thank you!

Duan Dong:Just now, Director Lei Shengbao introduced the first round of inspection by the Municipal Party Committee. Next, give the time to the reporters and friends, and ask questions about the issues that need further understanding.

Reporter:The Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee emphasized that patrol is a political patrol. As a way of extending patrol supervision to the grassroots, how does the city reflect the requirement of political patrol in patrol work?

Duan Dong:Please ask Comrade Zhang Tianshi, the leader of the Second Inspection Team of the Municipal Party Committee, to answer this question.

Zhang Tianshi:This round of inspection is the first round of inspection of the new municipal party Committee and the "first glimpse" of the inspection in 2017. The task is arduous, the responsibility is great and the mission is glorious. Under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, the inspection teams of the Municipal Party Committee, in accordance with the requirements of the central and provincial municipal committees on political inspection, highlight the party’s leadership in the political height, grasp the party’s construction in the political requirements, focus on comprehensively and strictly administering the party in the political orientation, give full play to the role of political "microscope" and political "searchlight", and demonstrate the sword role of inspection supervision. Specifically do the following three points:



3. Focus on the key points of supervision. During the first round of inspection by the Municipal Party Committee, each inspection team kept an eye on the Party Committee (party group), focused on strengthening the supervision of the leading bodies, especially the main leading cadres, and collected reports and reflections from the inspected objects in violation of the "six disciplines", especially political discipline, focusing on leading cadres who did not converge and stopped, with concentrated clues and strong reactions from the masses. Inspected the three municipal organs of the Municipal Health Planning Commission, the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau and the Municipal Education Bureau, focusing on the implementation of the decision-making arrangements of the central and provincial municipal committees, the implementation of new development concepts, the implementation of relevant policies and the operation of power. Inspect the Urban Construction Holding Group, focusing on the Party Committee’s core leadership role, deepening enterprise reform, implementing the "three majors and one big" decision-making system, and leading cadres’ honest practice, so as to highlight the "key minority", focus on key issues, and give full play to the inspection and supervision role.

Thank you. Next question.

Reporter:As mentioned in the bulletin just now, there is a lack of supervision over the purchase of drugs and consumables in the municipal health system. Can you specifically talk about what industrial problems exist in the medical and health system?

Duan Dong:This question is asked to be answered by Comrade Liu Jiaxin, deputy head of the First Inspection Team of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the Special Inspection Team.

Liu Jiaxin:During the inspection of the Party Committee of the Municipal Health Planning Commission, we insisted on "sinking to the next level" and went deep into the First People’s Hospital, the Second People’s Hospital, the Third People’s Hospital, the Oriental Hospital, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Municipal Health Supervision Office to understand the situation. Through inspection, it is found that there are indeed some industrial problems in the medical and health system. Shown in:

Medical staff in directly affiliated hospitals accept commercial bribery. In recent years, 16 medical staff in the units directly under the Municipal Health Planning Commission have been investigated for accepting bribes. In 2016, four laboratory directors, including the First Hospital of the City, the Second Hospital of the City, the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of the City, and the Oriental Hospital of the City, were investigated and dealt with by the procuratorate. During the inspection, some problems were found, such as accepting discounts in drug purchase and consumables purchase, and some medical staff had abnormal contacts with medical representatives. The inspection team handed over the clues in time, and the Commission for Discipline Inspection quickly found out that Fan Guohua, the chairman of the trade union of the Second People’s Hospital of the city and the director of the Finance Department, was suspected of serious violation of discipline, expelled from his party membership and transferred to the judicial organs.

The unhealthy trend in the medical industry still exists. In medical units, doctors still take red envelopes, prescribe large prescriptions, over-treat, and "go to acupuncture points" to earn extra money. In some hospitals, doctors in large departments take kickbacks and doctors in small departments use unit resources to do private work.

Some hospitals have the phenomenon of taking medical insurance funds. Overreporting medical insurance expenses by not going through the discharge formalities in time, hanging up the bed in violation of regulations, changing diagnosis and treatment items, pretending to be hospitalized, etc.

For the problems found in the above inspections, the inspection team has given comprehensive feedback to the inspected units and urged them to rectify. In the next step, the rectification will be made public.

Thank you. Next question.

Reporter:"Difficulties in going to school" is a common social problem. In the inspection, there are not many reflections on this issue. How does the inspection team view this issue from the perspective of political inspection?

Duan Dong:Please ask Comrade jian li, deputy head of the Second Inspection Team of the Municipal Party Committee and leader of the Second Special Inspection Team, to answer this question.

Jian li:Education is one of the most concerned issues for ordinary people. During the inspection, many cadres and masses gave strong support to the inspection team and put forward many valuable opinions. Comrades of the inspection team, with the expectations of the masses, searched deeply for the problems existing in the education system and found the following points:

The implementation of the "four consciousnesses" of the municipal education department is not in place. In the planning and layout, the top-level design and long-term vision are insufficient, and the implementation of the principle of "giving priority to arrangement, unified planning, facilitating enrollment and supporting construction" is not in place, which lags behind the overall development of the city and the actual needs of the masses, and the construction of schools in the central city cannot keep up, resulting in the emergence of large schools and large classes, which brings a series of problems such as personnel, establishment, funds and management.

The phenomenon of unreasonable charges in education still exists. The municipal education department has not paid enough attention to the problems of unreasonable fees, illegal remedial classes and paid tutoring, and the work measures are not strong enough. Bureau organs and subordinate units have problems such as illegal eating and drinking of public funds, irregular distribution of allowances and subsidies, and illegal part-time remuneration. Some schools have problems such as "off-account accounts" and illegal use of funds.

There are still weak links in coordinating school development. The municipal education authorities have not done enough research on the formulation, promulgation and implementation of educational policies that are highly concerned by the society, and their argumentation is insufficient. Public consultation, policy propaganda and risk assessment are not in place, and they lack scientific judgment and effective response to the development of the situation.

Here, I hope that the broad masses of cadres and people will continue to care for and support the inspection work and jointly urge the inspected units to rectify the above problems. The inspection team will also continue to track and supervise the effectiveness.

Thank you. Next question.

Reporter:In recent years, the capital investment in water conservancy construction in the city is relatively large, and there are also many water conservancy projects. Did you find any problems in this aspect during the inspection?

Duan Dong:Please ask Comrade Bao Kailin, deputy head of the first inspection team of the municipal party committee and leader of the second special inspection team, to answer this question.

Bao Lin Xie:In recent years, the city’s investment in water conservancy construction is indeed relatively large, and there are also many water conservancy projects. During the inspection, we visited some water conservancy project construction offices through investigation, read relevant materials and financial vouchers, and found that there are some weak links, which must be paid great attention to and solved. Mainly manifested in:

First, the management of water conservancy project construction is not standardized. In the water conservancy projects that have been audited from 2012 to 2015, the total investment generally exceeds the budgetary estimate. There is a lack of effective competition between the water conservancy project construction market and bidding agents, and there is a lack of effective supervision over violations in the bidding process.

Second, the investigation of integrity risk points in water conservancy project construction is not in place. There is no effective mechanism to prevent and control the integrity risks of key links and important positions in construction projects, and there is a phenomenon that the heads of individual departments are both "referees" and "athletes".

Third, there is a lack of supervision during the construction of water conservancy projects. Some water conservancy projects are large, with an investment of several hundred million or even several hundred million, and the construction period is as long as several years. In accordance with the relevant provisions, temporary party branches should be established to strengthen the leadership of these projects construction and supervision. However, in fact, these provisions have not been implemented.

For these problems, the inspection team has instructed the party group of the Municipal Water Resources Bureau to carry out rectification according to the requirements of the municipal party committee. In the next step, the inspection team will actively cooperate with the inspection office of the municipal party Committee to increase the supervision of the rectification and ensure that the rectification measures are put in place.

Thank you. Next question.

Reporter:It is understood that the Urban Construction Holding Group is a newly established municipal enterprise. Through the inspection, have you found the weak links in the operation of the enterprise, and in what aspects?

Duan Dong:Please ask Comrade Dong Dehua, deputy head of the Second Inspection Team of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the Special Inspection Team, to answer this question.

Dong Dehua:City Urban Construction Holding Group was established in August 2015. It is a wholly state-owned company formed by the integration and reorganization of eight urban construction state-owned companies. The Group has 11 secondary subsidiaries with more than 3,600 employees. During the inspection, the inspection team made an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the reorganized enterprises and found that there were some problems in the integration and development, which were as follows:

In the direction of political achievements, there is a working tendency of "emphasizing business and neglecting party building" and a one-sided understanding that "grasping the project is pragmatic and grasping the party building is a retreat". The Party Committee of the Group has not paid enough attention to the party building and the economy, and the party building work has been done in depth and detail.

In the implementation of the system, the implementation of the "three majors and one big" system of the group and its subsidiaries is not in place, and the decision-making procedures are still not standardized. Especially in the secondary companies, the party organization has not fulfilled its statutory role in the "three majors and one big" system. Individual secondary companies did not study the "three majors and one big" issues in 2016.

In terms of risk prevention and control, the inspection team has given timely feedback to the party Committee of the group on the problems exposed in bidding and subcontracting procurement, demanding that the existing problems be solved and reformed; It is also required to further standardize the bidding process and strengthen the internal management of enterprises.

Duan Dong:Because of the time, today’s question is here. The propaganda of news media and the supervision of public opinion are playing an increasingly important role in the anti-corruption work. I hope that the news media and journalists will continue to care about and support the inspection work in our city, and create a good public opinion atmosphere for us to implement the requirements of strictly administering the party in an all-round way and promote the in-depth development of inspection and supervision.

Today’s press conference is over, thank you!